Free e-books

We strongly believe in spreading our life's work free of charge. In a world where in most country's working with medicine plants is considered illegal, at least you have a book that helps you to understand how to safely prepare and Voyage into the unknown healing states of consciousness. So feel free to download, read and spread our work. More of Lars' books are being translated at the moment, and will be uploaded once finished. 

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The Sacred Voyage - Lars Faber 

Also called The Pilgrimage to the Soul, the road inwards - to your own, pure essence. This book (English) explains how to prepare for and embark on your Voyage with mind-expanding substances such as Ayahuasca, Voyahuasca and psilocybine.


Le Voyage Sacré - Lars Faber

Aussi appelé le pèlerinage vers l'âme, le chemin intérieur - vers votre propre essence pure. Ce livre décrit comment démarrer et préparer votre propre voyage en utilisant des substances psychotropes telles que les truffes magiques (psilocybine) ou l'ayahuasca ou le voyahuasca.


Die Geweihte reise - Lars Faber

Auch Die Pilgerreise zur Seele genannt, der Weg nach innen – zu deiner eigenen reinen Essenz. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie Sie Ihre eigene Reise mit bewusstseinsverändernden Substanzen wie magischen Trüffeln (Psilocybin) oder Ayahuasca oder Voyahuasca beginnen und vorbereiten.


CD Lady Ayahuasca 

Magical album produced by Lars Faber and friends. This album creates a beautiful atmosphere that takes you deep into the world of Ayahuasca and other medicine plants.

Dream time music. You can buy your hard copy here;

MP3 version here

Chakra CD

CD Lost Inner Worlds

Lars spent almost ten years working on this form of chakra meditation. This active meditation is often in our ceremonies with Ayahuasca and medicine plant cermonies and helps you to relax and open for the divine energies. 

Chakras are opened one at a time thanks to the beautiful sounds and powerful musical stories. This musical adventure will take you on a journey to seemingly long-lost worlds.

You start your journey in the jungle, the womb of life, where you rediscover your primal power. A shaman takes you to a hidden temple, where you discover your sexuality, your heart and passion.

You can buy the hard copy in our webshop >>>

Into your Lost Inner Worlds Chakra CD 

MP3 version here

Composed, produced & played by Lars Faber (with his musical friends playing on the CD as well)